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Womb Warrior

Welcome to your Womb Warrior Journey

You are on your way to Womb Wellness. You are a Warrior in waiting.
The purpose of this information is to empower. I'm a vessel used by the creator, God, to support all women on their journey. I use the moment to communicate with the source to guide my energy work.


What/Who is a Womb Warrior? YOU!  

So, what is Womb Wellness? 

  • Fellowship sessions where topics are discussed. In a group or a one-to-one setting,  what's going on in your life, pretty much anything you have on your mind that you need to release.

  • Yoni steaming

  • Attending Wellness Workshops

  • Planning Wellness excursions

  • Sister circles w healthy women on a path to wellness 

  • Wearing Sacred Waistbeads

  • Colon cleansing

  • Yoni Rituals, Prayers, and Chants

  • Adjusting your diet

  • Preparing a vision board

  • Yoga

  • Journaling

  • Reading 

  • Chakra balancing and Reiki sessions

  • Yoni Smoking

  • Reiki

  • Tarot Readings


You can heal yourself. Just as many women like you have. The power to heal is within you. It is time to heal the wounded Warrior inside you.
Healing is a personal journey. NO two journeys are the same. Healing is with yourself.


Let's start with your self-care and how you take care of yourself.

  • What do you do daily to heal and stay healthy?

  • What kinds of foods are you eating? 

  • Are you drinking any water at all? 

  • Do you exercise at all? 

This is your lifestyle. Use your lifestyle as a starting point to access where you are and what is most important.

Womb Warrior


Who and Where Waistbeads originated?


Historians believe the African tradition of waist beads may have originated among the Yoruba tribes, now mainly in Nigeria. But the practice is also seen in West Africa, notably Ghana, where the beads signify wealth and aristocracy, as well as femininity. Ancient Egyptian 15th Century carvings have portrayed royal women in waistbeads as a status symbol. 


Why women wear waistbeads?


Women in Ghana would wear multiple strands of beads around their waist, with some cultures providing that the only person allowed to remove them was her husband on their wedding night. ... It is believed that the practice of wearing multiple waist beads over time will help to keep the waist small and accentuate the hips. Ghanaian women were also known to wear waistbeads as an anchor for their menstrual cloth.


What is the meaning of wearing waistbeads?


Traditionally worn under clothes by African women, waist beads have several different meanings. Every woman has her own Waistbead Journey and is entitled to their reason. The art of adorning one-self has been practiced since the beginning of time.

  • rites of passage

  • enticing one's husband one's

  • healing and rejuvenation. 

  • worn on babies during naming ceremonies to accentuate their waistlines and hips as they grow

  • weight trainer 

When adding precious stones, waistbeads take on healing and rejuvenating qualities (love, physic powers, balance) 


Yonisteam Description

You have discovered a powerful ancient secret to women's wellness. 
The practice of yoni steaming has existed for centuries and has been passed down through generations of women who have found it to be an effective support for their cycles and their wellbeing. It is my hope that yoni steaming brings you deep comfort in your cycle and calls forth your unique vibrancy.


Why Yoni Steam?

Thousands of women are experiencing a wide range of benefits from yoni steaming, a practice in which a woman allows the herbal steam to permeate the exterior and interior of her vagina.  When the steam enters the vagina, the medicinal properties of the herbal blend is absorbed into the vaginal walls.



Benefits of YoniSteaming: 

• Significant reduction in pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation. 
• Decreased menstrual flow. 
• Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles.
 • Increased fertility. 
• More rapid healing and toning of the reproductive system after giving birth. 
• Treatment of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis. 
• Assistance with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar. 
• Assistance with the healing of hemorrhoids. 
• Treatment of chronic vaginal/yeast infections and works to maintain healthy odor. 
• Relief for symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain. 
• Detoxification of the womb and body. 
• Reconnection to the Earth and ancient women's wisdom. 
• Release of stored emotions. 
• Access to the feminine energy that gives rise to our vibrant radiance and creative potential.


No Yoni Steam if you are experiencing any of the following:


#1: Menstruation


Although many turns to vaginal steaming to address menstrual problems, steaming during active menstruation or fresh spotting is contraindicated. Steaming while bleeding can be dangerous because the steam speeds up the blood flow and can cause heavy bleeding. Instead, steaming should be done before and after the period, which will help aid the natural uterine cleanse that occurs during the period. 

#2: Pregnancy

Although very helpful to aid in healthy conception and excellent after giving birth, steaming is contraindicated while pregnant. Steaming while pregnant can be dangerous because the steam relaxes and opens the cervix, which could result in miscarriage or early labor.

#3: After Insemination While Trying to Conceive

For anyone that is trying to conceive, they can steam during the time period after the period up until the point of ovulation and then they should stop. Steaming after insemination could interfere with the sperm, fertilization or implantation. 
This is also true for medically assisted insemination. Steam up until the point of the IVF or IUI transfer and then stop until the pregnancy is confirmed.


#4: Spontaneous Heavy Bleeding

For anyone that experiences spontaneous heavy bleeding--sometimes referred to as two periods per month--steaming is contraindicated. Because the steam speeds up circulation and opens the cervix, it might cause spontaneous bleeding to occur--which can be dangerous when it's heavy. Women with spontaneous bleeding who want to steam should go to an acupuncturist first and get herbs to get the spontaneous bleeding under control first (hint: ask for Yunnan baiyao).

#5: Hot Flashes

Since steaming introduces heat to the body it might trigger hot flashes and should probably be avoided when hot flashes are present. This might not be true in every case, however. Two women, on separate occasions, have informed me that steaming actually helped to alleviate their hot flashes. This is an area where more research is needed, however, it would be best to proceed with caution if prone to hot flashes.

#6: During Miscarriage

Though steaming is very helpful for miscarriage recovery, it is not advised to steam before the pregnancy matter has cleared out. In rare cases, this might lead to heavy bleeding and can be dangerous. Start steaming after the pregnancy matter has cleared out and the bleeding has turned to brown. 

YoniSteam Description
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